Current Search: coast changes (x)
Shoreline and beach changes on Honeymoon Island, Pinellas County, Florida, 1967-1971
time-series investigation of beach sediments pinellas county, florida
geologic history and modern morphodynamics of dog island, franklin county, florida
Aerial photographic interpretation of the historical changes in northern Biscayne Bay, Florida, 1925
An evaluation of the effects of hurricanes Elena and Juan along the coastline of Pinellas County, Fl
modern morphodynamics and holocene evolution of an inner shelf/estuarine transition zone on the west
sediment budget for honeymoon island, florida
long-term beach performance and sediment budget of long key,pinellas county, florida
Volumetric Beach and Coast Erosion Due to Storm and Hurricane Impact
Seasonal Variation in Sandy Beach Shoreline Position and Beach Width