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Scenic gems of Daytona, Florida
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Daytona and its Suburbs
- Halifax River Yacht Club. Daytona
- Auto. Club House - Daytona, Florida
- Bathing At Daytona. Florida
- Wonderful Three Pronged Tree. Daytona
- Big Tree, Daytona, Florida.
- Orange Tree
- Grape Fruit Raised At Daytona
- Curious Tree At Daytona
- South Beach Street. Daytona, Florida
- Trees With Moss - Daytona
- Feeding The Squirrel
- Scene On Palmetto Street, Daytona
- Orange Grove - Near Daytona
- Ruins Of Old Sugar Mill, Near Daytona
- Pineapples Growing
- Raising Cucumbers in A Hot House
- Beautiful Flowers of Florida
- Royal Palm
- Date Palm
- Scene On Tomoka River
- Thompson Creek, Empties Into The Tomoka River
- Scene On The Tomoka, Near Daytona
- Causeway, Ormond
- Scene On Tomoka River
- Spruce Creek, Near Daytona, Fla.
- Cocoanut Tree
- Big Bellied Palms
- Thompson Creek Near Ormond
- South Beach St., Daytona, Florida
- Hotel Ormond, Six Miles From Daytona
- A Morning Rendezvous In Front Of The Inn At Ormand Beach
- Alligator Farming
- Shark
- Good Fishing At Daytona
- The Ridgewood Hotel
- Hotel Des Pland
- Clarendon Inn, Sea Breeze, Daytona, Florida
- Sword Fishing, Near Daytona, Florida
- Ostrich Farming In Florida
- The Lippincott Mansion At Ormond, Near Daytona, Florida
- Talahoka - The Big Palmetto Log Cottage, Ormond, Florida
- Ruins of Ancient Convent, New Smyrna, Florida. - Built Over 300 Years
- BackCover