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The fifth census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1925: in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6826, Laws of Florida, Acts of the Legislature of 1915
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Errata
- Table of Contents
- Letter of transmittal
- Introductory notes
- Contents of 1925 state census
- People
- Financial and commercial
- Physical facts
- Formation of counties and changes in boundaries
- Origin and names of Florida counties
- Population of Florida, 1925 to 1830
- Population of Florida by counties, 1925 to 1830
- Map showing density of population, 1925
- Population of Florida by races, 1830-1925
- Map showing increase in total population
- Population by counties, 1925, compared with U. S. census, 1920
- Explanation of references
- Population of Florida by minor civil divisions
- Population, state senatorial districts, by races and voting age
- Population by congressional districts
- Increase of population by race by counties, five-year period
- White population by counties, sex, and comparison with 1920 totals
- Negro population by counties, sex, and comparison with 1920 totals
- Area and population by counties
- Increase or decrease, rural population, by counties
- Map showing increase in rural population
- Rural population per square mile
- Comparison of rural and urban population
- Urban and rural population of counties
- Map showing density of rural population by counties
- Per cent of increase in urban and rural population
- Urban and rural population, 1925-1920
- Population of cities, towns and villages by race
- Population of cities, towns, and villages by counties
- Population of cities, 50,000 and over - and from earliest census to 1925
- Population of cities from 5,000 to 10,000 at each census, 1895-1925
- Population of cities from 2,500 to 5,000 from earliest census to 1925
- Population, 5 years and under, by counties
- Population, 6 to 9 years of age, by counties
- Population, 10 to 20 years of age, by counties
- Population, 21 to 45 years of age, by counties
- Population, 46 to 80 years of age, by counties
- Population, 81 years and over, by counties
- Population, voting age, by race and sex
- Children, 5 and 6 years of age, by race and counties
- Population, school age, 6 to 20, by race and sex
- Literate and illiterate persons, by race and counties
- Distribution by counties of Florida colleges
- Classification of students of F. A. and M. College
- Distribution by counties of Florida School for Deaf and Blind
- Distribution by counties of inmates of charity institutions
- U. S. Government and fraternal institutions
- Population of insane hospital, by counties
- Distribution by counties of inmates of Florida Industrial Schools for Boys and Girls and Florida Farm Colony
- Census [of] state convicts by counties, race and sex -- Nativity of white population by counties
- Nativity of white population by counties
- Native and foreign-born negro population by counties
- Other races by counties
- Nativity of white population, five largest cities
- Map showing various centers
- Total assessed valuation by sections of the state: Northern Florida. Southern Florida. East Florida. West Florida
- Census enumerators
- Special census of Duval county
- Suggestions on taking of next census
- Endpages