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Water resource records of the Econfina Creek basin area, Florida
Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Title page
- Contents
- Illustrations
- Tables
- Introduction
- Hydrologic data
- Location of surface water data collection sites
- Streamflow data
- Monthly average lake stages
- Chemical analyses and temperature of surface water
- Daily specific conductance and temperature of surface water
- Chloride content of water in Deer Point Lake
- Records of rainfall in the Econfina Creek basin area
- Records of wells in the Econfina Creek basin area
- Measurements of ground-water levels in Econfina Creek basin area
- Pumping test data in the Econfina Creek basin area
- Lithologic logs of selected wells in the Econfina Creek basin area
- Records of ground-water pumpage in the Econfina Creek basin area
- Chemical analyses and temperature of ground-water
- Periodic chloride analyses and temperature of water from wells