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Spaniards in Florida
Table of Contents
- Title Page
- Front Matter
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- First discovery, 1512 to 1565 - Juan Ponce de Leon
- Ribault, Laudonniere, and Menendez - Settlements of the Huguenots, and foundation of St. Augustine - 1562-1565-1568
- The attack on Fort Caroline - 1565
- Escape of Laudonniere and others from Fort Caroline - Adventures of the fugitives
- Site of Fort Caroline, afterwards called San Matteo
- Menendez's return to St. Augustine - Shipwreck of Ribault - Massacre of part of his command - A. D. 1565
- Fate of Ribault and his followers - Bloody massacre at Matanzas, 1565
- Fortifying of St. Augustine - Disaffections and mutinies - Approval of Menendez' acts by king of Spain, 1565-1568
- The notable revenge of Dominic de Gourgues - Return of Menendez - Indian mission - 1568
- Sir Francis Drake's attack upon St. Augustine - Establishment of missions - Massacre of missionaries at St. Augustine - 1586-1638
- Subjection of the Apalachian Indians - Construction of the fort, sea wall, etc. - 1638-1700
- Attack on St. Augustine by Gov. Moore of South Carolina - Difficulties with the Georgians - 1702-1732
- Siege of St. Augustine by Oglethorpe - 1732-1740
- Completion of the castle - Descriptions of St. Augustine a century ago - English occupation of Florida - 1755-1763-1783
- Re-cession of Florida to Spain - Erection of the Parish Church - Change of flags - 1783-1821
- Transfer of Florida to the United States - American occupation - Ancient buildings, etc.
- Present appearance of St. Augustine, as given by the author of Thanatopsis - Its climate and salubrity
- St. Augustine in its old age - 1565-1868
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