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Geology of Bay County, Florida
Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Title Page / Letter of Transmittal
- Table of Contents
- Table of Illustrations
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- --Setting
- --Purpose
- --Location and Extent
- --Maps
- --Population Development
- --Transportation
- --Climate
- --Metric Conversion Factors
- --Well and Outcrop Numbering System
- --Previous Investigations
- Geology
- --Introduction
- --Methods of Investigation and Data Base
- --Physiography
- ---Sand Hills
- ---Sinks and Lakes
- ---Flat-Woods Forest
- ---Beach Dunes and Wave-Cut Bluffs
- ---Terraces and Ancients Shorelines
- ---Springs
- ---Steepheads
- ---Geophysical Surveys
- ----Gravity
- ----Magnetic
- ----Aeroradioactivity
- --Geologic Structure
- Stratigraphy
- --Introduction
- --Igneous and Paleozoic Rocks
- --Mesozoic Era
- --Cenozoic Era
- ---Paleocene Series
- ----Midway Stage
- ---Eocene Series
- ----Wilcox Stage
- ----Claiborne Stage
- -----Tallahatta Formation
- -----Lisbon Formation
- ----Jackson Stage
- -----Ocala Group
- ------Lower Facies
- ------Upper Facies
- ---Oligocene Series
- ----Vicksburg Stage
- -----Marianna Limestone
- -----Suwannee Limestone
- ---Miocene and Pliocene Series
- ----Tampa Stage
- -----History
- -----Lithologic Description
- -----Thickness and Description
- -----Paleontology and Age
- ----Alum Bluff Stage
- -----History
- ----Chipola Formation
- -----History
- -----Lithologic Description
- -----Thickness and Distribution
- -----Paleontology and Age
- ----Bruce Creek Limestone
- -----History
- -----Lithologic Description
- -----Thickness and Distribution
- -----Paleontology and Age
- ----Choctawhatchee Stage
- -----History
- ----Intracoastal Formation
- -----History
- -----Lithologic Description
- -----Thickness and Distribution
- -----Paleontology and Age
- ----Jackson Bluff Formation
- -----History
- -----Lithologic Description
- -----Thickness and Distribution
- -----Paleontology and Age
- ----Pliocene to Recent Clayey Sands
- Economic Geology
- --Sand and Gravel
- --Clay
- --Peat
- --Heavy Minerals
- --Limestone
- --Oil and Gas
- --Groundwater
- References
- Appendices
- --Appendix A: Geology Logs of Five Selected Core Holes
- --Appendix B: Listing of Well Cuttings and Core Data