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Contributions to Florida vertebrate paleontology: a fossil squirrel-fish from the Upper Eocene of Florida
Table of Contents
- copyright information
- Title page and preliminaries
- Letter of transmittal
- A Fossil Squirrel-fish from the Upper Eocene of Florida
- --Contents and Illustrations
- --Introduction
- --Generic and specific determination
- --Comparison with Holocentrus
- ---Skull
- ----Neurocranium
- ----Branchiocranium
- ---Pectoral girdle
- ---Vertebral column
- ---Fins
- ----Anal fin
- ---Scales
- --Phylogenetic significance of Holocentrites
- --Literature cited
- --Plates I-III
- ---Plate I. Left side view of Holocentrites ovalis, showing vertebral column and skull remains
- ---Plate II. Right side view of Holocentrites ovalis, showing scales, anal fin spines and caudal fin rays
- ---Plate III. A comparison of fronto-occipital regions of Holocentrus ascensionis, left; and Holocentrites, right. B. Outer view of the right opercula of Holocentrus, left; and Holocentrites, right. C. Inner view of the right opercular of Holocentrites, left; and Holocentrus, right
- --Figure 1. A Phylogenetic History of the Holocentridae
- The Rostrum of Felsinotherium Ossivalense
- --Foreword
- --Contents and Illustrations
- --Introduction
- --Definition
- --Measurements of definition
- --Skull
- --Discussion
- --Literature cited
- --Plates I-II
- ---Plate I. Photograph of left side of front portion skull, x 1/2
- ---Plate II. Photograph of top of rostral portion of skull, x 1/2
- --Figure I. Upper molars of Felsinotherium ossivalense Simpson, occlusal view, x 1
- --Figure II. Palatal aspect of anterior portion of skull of Felsinotherium ossivalense, x 1/2