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An ecological characterization of the Florida panhandle
Table of Contents
- Front Cover
- Title Page
- Disclaimer
- Preface
- Conversion Factors
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Acronyms
- Acknowledgements
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Purpose and Introduction
- 1.2 The Florida Panhandle: Overview
- Chapter 2: Geology and Physiography
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Structure and Geologic Setting
- 2.3 Stratigraphy
- 2.5 Regional Marine Geology
- 2.6 Local Marine Geology
- 2.7 Offshore (outer Continental Shelf) Oil and Gas Reserves
- Chapter 3: Climate
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Climatological Features
- 3.3 Effects of Climate an Ecosystems
- 3.4 Major Influences on Climate
- 3.5 Summary of Climatic Concerns
- 3.6 Areas Needing Research
- Chapter 4: Hydrology and Water Quality
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Water Quality Parameters
- 4.3 Major Influences on Surface Water
- 4.4 Major Influences on Ground Water
- 4.5 Area-wide Surface-water Hydrology and Water Quality
- 4.6 Area-wide Ground-water Hydrology and Water Quality
- 4.7 Basin Hydrology and Water Quality
- 4.8 Potential Hydrology and Water Quality Problems
- Chapter 5: Terrestrial Habitats
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Native Habitats
- 5.3 Human-Created Habitats
- Chapter 6: Freshwater Habitats
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Native Palustrine Habitats
- 6.3 Native Riverine Habitats
- 6.4 Native Lacustrine Habitats
- 6.5 Subterranean Habitats
- 6.6 Human-Created Lacustrine Habitats
- Chapter 7: Estuarine, Saltwater Wetland, and Marine Habitats
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Estuarine Habitats
- 7.3 Marine Habitats
- Chapter 8: Summary
- 8.1 The Panhandle in Review
- 8.2 Panhandle Findings
- 8.3 The Panhandle Tomorrow
- Literature Cited
- Appendix A: Federal, State, and Local Environmental Control Agencies and their Responsibilities
- Appendix B: Panhandle Regulatory Agency Locations and Adresses
- Back Cover