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The conquest of Florida: Volume2
Table of Contents
- Spine
- Front matter
- Title Page
- Chapter I: The Spaniards Resume Their March. The Princess Of Cofachiqui Carried Away Captive. A Mutiny. The Army Traverse the Territory of the Cherokees. Escape of the Young Princess. Juan Terron and His Pearls.
- Chapter II: Arrival of the Army at Guaxule. Reception of the Spaniards by the Cacique of Ichiaha. Two Troopers Dispatched to the Mountains in Search of Gold, and What Success They Had.
- Chapter III: The Manner in Which the Indians Extracted the Pearls from the Shell. Generosity of a Soldier. What Befell Luis Bravo de Xeres While Fishing.
- Chapter IV: How They Were Treated by the Cacique of Acoste, at Whose Village They Arrived. The Manner in Which the Young Cacique Cosa, Came Forth to Meet Them. The Indians Show a Hostile Disposition. The Cacique Cosa, Escorts Them to Talise, and Why.
- Chapter V: The Gigantic Chieftain Tuscaluza. His Haughty Reception of the Spaniards. Great Sufferings of the Army for the Want of Salt. Strange Malady Occasioned Thereby.
- Chapter VI: Tuscaloosa, His Steed and Raiment. His Village. Mysterious Disappearance of Two Soldiers. Arrival at the Village of Mauvila.
- Chapter VII: The Disastrous Battle of Mauvila.
- Chapter VIII: Fall of Tuscaloosa.
- Chapter IX: The Plight of the Spaniards After the Battle of Mauvila.
- Chapter X: De Soto Becomes an Altered Man, and Why.
- Chapter XI: The Adelantado Breaks Up His Encampment at Mauvila. Manner of Crossing a River. The Pass Stoutly Defended by the Indians.
- Chapter XII: De Soto Sends a Messenger to the Natives With Offers of Peace. His Treatment. Encamp in a Chickasaw Village. Two Soldiers Condemned to Death.
- Chapter XIII: The Desperate Battle of Chicaza.
- Chapter XIV: The Spaniards Remove to Chicacilla. Occurrences There. The Exploit of Juan de Guzman. The Invention of One of the Soldiers as a Protection Against the Cold.
- Chapter XV: Juan de Anasco, and a Detachment of Horse and Foot, Have a Brush With the Natives; and How He Was Taunted by Them. Storming of the Fortress of Alibamo. Challenge of an Indian Warrior, and How He Fared in Consequence.
- Chapter XVI: The Spaniards Come in Sight of the Mississippi. The Cacique Chisca-His Hostile Movements.
- Chapter XVII: The Spaniards Prepare to Cross the Mississippi. A Cacique, With Large Fleet Canoes, Comes to Visit the Governor: the Result of Their Interview. Passage of the Mississippi. Arrival Among the Kaskaskias Indians.
- Chapter XVIII: A Religious Ceremony on the Banks of the Mississippi.
- Chapter XIX: Expedition Against the Cacique Capaha. His Village is Sacked. Fortifies Himself in an Island, Where He is Again Assailed. The Spaniards Deserted By Their Allies, the Casquins.
- Chapter XX: Interview Between the Cacique Capaha and De Soto. His Two Beautiful Wives, and Their Fate.
- Chapter XXI: Two Soldiers Dispatched in Search of Salt and Gold, and the Account They Brought Back. The Spaniards Arrive at Quiguate. Juan Gayton Refuses to Perform His Duty, and What De Soto Did There Upon.
- Chapter XXII: The Spaniards Arrive at Coligoa-Pass Through the Province of Palisema, into the Country of the Tunicas. The Manner in Which the Natives Made Salt. Enter the Province of Tula. Attack Upon an Indian Village. Struggle Between a Soldier and Five Women.
- Chapter XXIII: What the Spaniards Found in the Village of Tula. The Tribe of Tula Differed From any Indians They Had Seen. They Fall Suddenly Upon the Encampment at Night. The Prowess of an Indian, and His Fate.
- Chapter XXIV: The Army Arrives at Utiangue. The Governor Determines to Winter There. Preparations Accordingly. Death of Juan Ortiz, the Interpreter.
- Chapter XXV: Change in the Views and Plans of De Soto. He Turns His Steps Toward the Mississippi. A Soldier Drowned in Attempting to Cross a Lake. The Spaniards Pass Through a Province of Anilco. Hostile Bearing of the Cacique. Arrival at Guachoya.
- Chapter XXVI: Meeting Between De Soto and the Cacique Guachoya. Anasco Dispatched to Seek for the Sea. Expedition by Land and Water Against the Chieftain Anilco, and the Result.
- Chapter XXVII: Difficulties With the Cacique of Quigualtanqui. Illness and Death of De Soto.
- Chapter XXVIII: The Burial of De Soto. The Cacique Sends Two Young Indians to be Sacrificed to His Manes. What Luis de Moscoso Said in Reply. Disposal of the Governors Effects.
- Chapter XXIX: The Spaniards, Under the Command of Luis de Moscoso, Commence Their March to the Westward. Arrival at the Province of Chaguate, Where They Find Salt.
- Chapter XXX: Disappearance of Diego de Guzman. Cause of His Desertion.
- Chapter XXXI: The Army Arrives at Naguatex-a Severe Brush With the Natives-Imminent Peril of Two Troopers and Four Foot Soldiers. Severe Treatment of the Indian Captives. Interview Between the Cacique Naguatex and Moscoso. The Spaniards Perplexed by a Phenomenon.
- Chapter XXXII: Vague Tidings of Europeans to the West. Waldering in a Wilderness. Treachery of an Old Indian Guide, and His Fate. The Hunting Grounds of the Far West.
- Chapter XXXIII: Feats of Individual Prowess of the Indians of the Far West.
- Chapter XXXIV: The Spaniards Come in Sight of High Mountains to the West. Exploring Parties Sent Out to Discover the Country. The Report They Bring Back. Moscoso Calls a Council of His Officers. Their Determination.
- Chapter XXXV: Harassing March of the Spaniards. The Trooper-His Misadventure.
- Chapter XXXVI: Francisco, the Genoese, With Several of His Comrades, Lie in Ambush to Entrap Some of the Natives-the Severe Skirmish They Have With an Indian, and the Result.
- Chapter XXXVII: They Pass Through the Province of Chaguette, and Moscoso Dispatches a Party of Twelve Troopers After Diego de Guzman. Sufferings of the Army. Their Arrival at the Province of Anilco, and Their Despondency. Cheered Up by News of the Fertile Country of Aminoya. Anasco Dispatched to That Province, and What He Found There.
- Chapter XXXVIII: The Spaniards Arrive at Aminoya. Commence Building Brigantines. Quarrel Between the Cacique, Guachoya, and the Captain General of Anilco. Singular Challenge of the Latter.
- Chapter XXXIX: The League of the Caciques Against the Spaniards. Gonzalo Silvestre Roughly Handles an Indian. How the Designs of the Hostile Caciques Were Frustrated.
- Chapter XL: The Caciques of the League Again Prepare to Attack the Spaniards. An Indian Spy. A Plot Detected.
- Chapter XLI: Final Preparations of Moscoso and His Followers.
- Chapter XLII: Embarcation of the Spanirads Upon the Mississippi. A Grand and Concerted Attack by a Large Fleet of Canoes, and How the Spaniards Fared. Gonzalo Silvestre Sent to Shore With Detachment of Men for Provisions. Loss of Their Horses.
- Chapter XLIII: Continuation of the Voyage Down the Mississippi. The Fool-Hardy Exploit of Estevan Anez. The Feat of Pedro Moron, the Half Breed. Uncertain Fate of De Gazman.
- Chapter XLIV: The Spaniards Reach the Ocean-Disembark on an Island of Driftwood. Fierce Encounter With the Natives of the Coast. They Anchor Off an Uninhabited Island.
- Chapter XLV: A Council of Officers Called to Determine Upon Their Future Course. They Set Sail. Anasco Prevails Upon Them to Follow His Advice.
- Chapter XLVI: Vessels in Danger of Stranding. Come to Some Small Islands, Where They Repair the Brigantines Overtaken by Violent Gale, and Two Caravels Driven to Sea. Mutiny of Juan Gaytons Crew.
- Chapter XLVII: Expedition of Gonzalo Silvestre to Obtain Information About Country. What Happened to Moscoso and the Rest of the Fleet. How the Spaniards Were Received by the Inhabitants of Panuco.
- Chapter XLVIII: Discontents and Broils Among the Soldiery. Their Subsequent Fortunes.
- Chapter XLVIX: The Voyages of Maldonado and Gomez Arias in Search of De Soto. Death of Dona Isabel de Bobadilla.
- Appendix
- Contents of Volume II