Current Search: Florida Bureau of Geology
Search results
- Shallow stratigraphic core tests on file at the Florida Geological Survey ( FGS: Information circula
- Flow and chemical characteristics of the St. Johns River at Jacksonville, Florida ( FGS: Information
- Selected flow characteristics of Florida streams and canals: summaries of flow duration and of low a
- A geologic guide to the state parks of the Florida Panhandle coast: St. George Island, St. Joseph Pe
- The beneficial uses of zones of high transmissivities in the Florida subsurface for water storage an
- Neogene stratigraphy and geologic history of the Apalachicola Embayment, Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 58)
- Hydrogeologic characteristics of the surficial aquifer in northwest Hillsborough County, Florida ( F
- Hydrologic consequences of using ground water to maintain lake levels affected by water wells near T
- Hydrologic Consequences of Using Ground Water to Maintain Lake Levels Affected by Water Wells near T