Current Search:   Florida Geological Survey (x)

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water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of florida in 1960
Heavy-mineral reconnaissance off the Gulf Coast of Northwest Florida ( FGS: Open file report 28 )
A geological overview of Florida ( FGS: Open file report 50 )
The lithostratigraphy of the Hawthorn Group of peninsular Florida ( FGS: Open file report 36 )
The geology and geomorphology of Florida's coastal marshes ( FGS: Open file report 34 )
The geomorphology, geology and hydrogeology of Lafayette County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 46
The geology of Flagler County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 24 )
1986 and 1987 Florida petroleum production and exploration
Status of phosphatic clay waste disposal ( FGS: Open file report 14 )
Geology of Gadsden County, Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 62 )
Neogene biostratigraphy of the Charlotte Harbor area in southwestern Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 43)
The Lithostratigraphy of Nassau County in relation to the superconducting supercollider site investi
Petrogenesis of Early Mesozoic tholeiite in the Florida basement and an overview of Florida basement
Ground-Water Resources of Northwestern Collier County, Fla.
Exploration for Oil and Gas in Florida
Exploration for Oil and Gas in Florida
Geology and Geomorphology of Florida's Coastal Marshes
Fossil Hunter's Guide to the Geology of southern Florida
Water resources activities in Florida. 1985. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 93-67
Subsurface Storage of Liquids in the Floridan Aquifer System in South Florida
Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleontology of southern Florida ( FGS: Special publication 36 )
Ground Water in the Lake Okeechobee Area, Florida
Water-Supply Problems in Southwest Florida
Preliminary Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of Northeast Florida
