Current Search: Florida Geological Survey (x)
Summary of the geology of Glades County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 30 )
Florida's geological history and geological resources ( FGS: Special publication 35 )
Stratigraphic correlation of outcrop gamma ray profiles in Florida ( FGS: Open file report 26 )
Appraisal of water resources in the East Central Florida Region ( FGS: Report of investigations 61 )
Geological assessment: the foundation of understanding the "bucket" that contains our precious water
Geologic framework of the lower Floridan aquifer system, Brevard County, Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 64
Geology of Citrus County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 5 )
The geology of Collier County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 25 )
A gamma-ray profile investigation of the Upper Pleistocene Miami limestone of south Florida ( FGS: O
Lithologic variation in the Miami limestone of Florida ( FGS: Open file report 48 )
St. Vincent Island (St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge) ( FGS: Open file report 8 )
Florida Caverns State Park, Jackson County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 23 )
Geology of Hillsborough County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 6 )
Geology of Polk County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 13 )
Geology of Sarasota County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 10 )
Geology of DeSoto County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 11 )
Notes on the geology of Walton County ( FGS: Open file report 3 )
Sand, gravel and heavy-mineral resource potential of holocene sediments offshore of Florida, Cape Ca
Sand, gravel and heavy-mineral resources potential of surficial sediments offshore of Cape Canaveral
Appraisal of the Water Resources of Charlotte County, Florida
Geology of Sumter County, Florida
Shallow stratigraphic core tests on file at the Florida Geological Survey ( FGS: Information circula
Shallow Fresh-Water System of Sanibel Island, Lee County, Florida, with Emphasis on the Sources and
Effects of Plugging a Deep Artesian Well on the Concentration of Chloride in Water in the Water-Tabl