Current Search: Florida Geological Survey
Search results
- Flow and chemical characteristics of the St. Johns River at Jacksonville, Florida ( FGS: Information
- Selected flow characteristics of Florida streams and canals: summaries of flow duration and of low a
- Spatial and temporal distribution of mercury in Everglades and Okefenokee wetland sediments: final p
- Pleistocene shore lines in Florida and Georgia: a report and accompanying map prepared in connection
- Ground-water resources data of Charlotte, De Soto, and Hardee Counties, Florida ( FGS: Information c
- Chemical and biological conditions of Lake Okeechobee, Florida, 1969-1972 ( FGS: Report of investiga
- Nutrient input from the Loxahatchee River Environmental Control District sewage-treatment plant to t
- Origins and Distribution of Saline Ground Waters in the Floridan Aquifer in Coastal Southwest Florid
- Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus dditions on Phytoplankton Productivity and Chlorophyll in a Subtr
- Hydrologic Concepts of Artificially Recharging the Floridan Aquifer in Eastern Orange County, Florid