Current Search:   Florida Bureau of Geology (x)

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List of publications
Petrogenesis of Early Mesozoic tholeiite in the Florida basement and an overview of Florida basement
Florida Geological Survey: Information Circular: The Mineral Industry of Florida
Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1965-66
Reconnaissance of the geology and ground-water resources of Columbia County, Florida ( FGS: Report o
Public water supplies of selected municipalities in Florida, 1970 ( FGS: Information circular 81 )
Aquifers and quality of ground water along the gulf coast of Western Florida ( FGS: Report of invest
Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1971-72
Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1967-68
Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1969-70
Dissertations and theses on geology completed at Florida universities ( FGS: Open file report 2 )
The geomorphology of the Florida Peninsula ( FGS: Bulletin 51)
The Sand and gravel resources of Florida ( FGS: Report of investigation 90 )
Water Levels in Artesian and Nonartesian Aquifers of Florida, 1975-76
Water Levels in Artesian and Nonartesian Aquifers of Florida, 1973-74
Appraisal of the Water Resources of Charlotte County, Florida
Shallow Fresh-Water System of Sanibel Island, Lee County, Florida, with Emphasis on the Sources and
Effects of Plugging a Deep Artesian Well on the Concentration of Chloride in Water in the Water-Tabl
Heavy mineral reconnaissance off the coast of the Apalachicola River Delta, northwest Florida ( FGS:
Summary of Florida petroleum production and exploration, onshore and offshore, through 1984 ( FGS: I
Geology of Sarasota County, Florida
Summary of the Geology of Glades County, Florida
Mineral resource study of Holmes, Walton, and Washington Counties ( FGS: Bulletin 50)
Geology of Sumter County, Florida
