Current Search:   Southwest Florida Water Management District (x)

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Charlotte Harbor Surface Water Improvement and Management Plan
Technical Publication 88-12: Ground Water Resource Assessment of Hendry County, Florida
Salinity characteristics and distribution and effects of alternative plans for freshwater withdrawal
Tidal Flow in Selected Areas of Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor, Florida, 1995-96
Appraisal of the Water Resources of Charlotte County, Florida
Florida Geological Survey: Information Circular: The Mineral Industry of Florida
Ground-water Quality of the Southwest Florida Water Management District
Feasibility of Water-Supply Development from the Unconfined Aquifer in Charlotte County, Florida
Benchmark Farm Program
Development of GIS-based maps to determine the status and trends of oligohaline vegetation in the ti
Ground-water resources data of Charlotte, De Soto, and Hardee Counties, Florida ( FGS: Information c
Appraisal of the Water Resources of Charlotte County, Florida
Feasibility of a Saltwater Barrier Injection Well System: Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte Counties Flor
Origins and Distribution of Saline Ground Waters in the Floridan Aquifer in Coastal Southwest Florid
Sinkhole Development Resulting from Ground-Water Withdrawal in the Tampa Area, Florida
Hydrogeology of the Sarasota-Port Charlotte Area, Florida
Hydrogeology of the Intermediate Aquifer System and Upper Floridan Aquifer, Hardee and De Soto Count
Assessment of the Flow of Variable-Salinity Ground Water in the Middle Confining Unit of the Florida
Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating Discharge and Nutrient Loads from Tidally Affected Reaches
Chloride Concentrations in the Coastal Margin of the Floridan Aquifer, Southwest Florida
Salinity and Flow Relations and Effects of Reduced Flow in the Chassahowitzka River and Homosassa Ri
Potential for Saltwater Intrusion into the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Hernando and Manatee Counties, Fl
Benthic habitat status of the Little Manatee River Estuary
Benthic habitat status of the lower Hillsborough River
