Current Search: Fishes (x)
Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates
Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmetal Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (
early life history of spotted seatrout, red drum, gray snapper, and snook in Everglades National Par
Population structure, food habits, and spawning activity of gray snapper, Lutjanus griseus, in Everg
Population Characteristics, Food Habits and Spawning Activity of Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulos
Cuban Fishing Smack
Sea Trout or Weakfishes (genus Cynoscion) of the Gulf of Mexico
Clarence Rutland and Mario Hutton with a Catch of Fish
Ruth Wiles Rutland (right) and Friend, Jane, with Some Fish
Two Snyder Boys School Students Hold on to a Large Hammerhead Shark
Students at the Snyder Boys School admire Leopard Ray Catch
Carol Hemingway With her Father, Dr. Clarence Hemingway
Esperanza Woodring in Her Guide Boat
Castnetter on Ladyfinger Lake
Ralph Woodring Fishing
Esperanza Woodring Throws a Cast Net from Dock
Sam Woodring Throws a Cast Net from His dock
Fisherman Displays His Catch at the Tarpon House Dock
Carol Hemingway and Aunt, Grace Hemingway
Carol Hemingway Catches Trout
Punta Gorda Fish Company Runboat
Aerial View of the The Sanibel Lighthouse Complex
Boys stand Around Hammerhead Shark
Cooking fire at Duffy's Creek