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Brevis narratio eorvm qvae in Florida Americae provicia Gallis acciderunt: secunda in illam nauigati
Ponce de Leon land and Florida war record
Tampa, a southern cowtown, 1858-1878
Colonial Mobile: an historical study, largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin
Acres of ashes: the story of the great fire that swept over the city of Jacksonville, Florida, on th
Lake Kanapaha: historic land use study
Life and labors of Albert J. Russell: a collection of writings showing some of his efforts in behalf
Florida Trails As Seen from Jacksonville to Key West and from November to April Inclusive
Letter from Hugh Black to Mary Black. July 20, 1864
Letter from Hugh Black to Mary Ann Black. June 24, 1863
Historic structure report and historic resource study
Spanish-American War
The early planting of Presbyterianism in West Florida
brief history of Florida baptists, 1825-1925
1901-1941, fortieth anniversary, Afro-American Life Insurance Co., Jacksonville, Florida
Pioneers of France in the New World
Charge to keep : Brewster Hospital, Brewster Methodist Hospital, Brewster Hospital School of Nursing
Two wars: an autobiography of General Samuel G. French : Mexican War : war between the states, a dia
Dickison and his men: reminiscences of the war in Florida
Early days in Melbourne Beach, 1888-1928
An ounce of prevention: the proactive public policy of the Pinellas County Juvenile Welfare Board, 1
Swamp and overflow lands of Florida
In the name of humanity: the Koreshan Unity
Lake Worth Historian
