Current Search: Florida -- Statistics (x)
Florida facts and general statistics
Mineral industry of Florida 1971
Mineral industry of Florida 1973
Mineral industry of Florida 1975
Mineral industry of Florida 1976
Floridians and wildlife
Bird's-eye view of Florida agriculture
Crop statistics
Summary of Fires in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, 1981
Summary of fires in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, 1979
Graphic review of Florida agriculture
Final report, Jacksonville urban area mass transportation study
production, distribution and competition of Florida vegetables
Summary of Fires in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve, 1980
University of North Florida, fact book
Tabulated statement of pitch pine timber and lumber
Summary of Fires in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve 1977 and 1978
Hydrologic Effects of Storm of September 1-3, 1983, in Golden Gate City, Collier County, Florida
Factors Influencing Indices of Manatee Abundance in the Ft. Myers Region, Winter 1983/84
Life and death in Florida, 1940-1949
Jacksonville - Duval County transportation study - 1960
citrus industry and occupations in Florida
Report on Fish and Wildlife Studies in the Kissimmee River Basin and Recommendations for Restoration
Florida handbook