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Guide to the Interpretation of Metal Concentrations in Estuarine Sediments
Spill Response Task Force final report
a preliminary ranking and evaluation method for determining the ground-water contamination potential
Recommendations to clean up and protect the Biscayne Aquifer in Southeast Florida
South Florida Environmental Quality
Update Biscayne Aquifer : ahead to the future : a progress report on actions taken to protect Southe
Mangrove decomposition: a pathway for heavy metal enrichment in Everglades estuaries
Chemical Effects of Highway Runoff on the Surficial Aquifer, Broward County, Florida
Estuarine water quality monitoring program, Collier County, data report for FY 94/95: annual program
Estimates of Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids to Tampa Bay, Florida
relationship between the flow regime and nitrogen species in a waste-sludge disposal pond, hillsboro
impact of evicting farmers from the Hole-in-the-Donut
Big Cypress Swamp Jetport Monitoring Program
Occurrence of Natural Radium-226 Radioactivity in Ground Water of Sarasota County, Florida
Effect of Spray Irrigation of Treated Wastewater on Water Quality of the Surficial Aquifer System, R
Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating Discharge and Nutrient Loads from Tidally Affected Reaches
The quality of shellfish growing waters in the Gulf of Mexico
Best Management Practices for Agrichemical Handling and Farm Equipment Maintenance
Agricultural pesticide use in estuarine drainage areas
Pollution survey of wastes from Escambia Chemical Corporation and Columbia-National Corporation flow
