Current Search: Water-supply -- Florida (x)
Late Cenozoic geology of southern Florida, with a discussion of the ground water ( FGS: Bulletin 27
Reconnaissance of the geology and ground-water resources of Columbia County, Florida ( FGS: Report o
Ground-water resources of Collier County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 31 )
water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of florida in 1960
Water Levels in Artesian and Nonartesian Aquifers of Florida, 1973-74
Water Levels in Artesian and Nonartesian Aquifers of Florida, 1975-76
Analysis of the Effects of Supplying the Revised Demand Estimates of the Seminole Tribe - Big Cypres
Ground Water in the Lake Okeechobee Area, Florida
Appraisal of the water resources of eastern Palm Beach County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigatio
Handbook of Florida water regulation
Interim report on geology and ground-water resources of Indian River County, Florida ( FGS: Informat
Water resource records of the Econfina Creek basin area, Florida ( FGS: Information circular 57 )
Water-resources records of Hillsborough County, Florida
Interim Report on the Ground-Water Resources of Seminole County, Florida
Reconnaissance of the Ground-Water Resources of the Fernandina Area, Nassau County, Florida
Ground-Water Resources of Volusia County, Florida
Interim Report on the Ground-Water Resources of Manatee County, Florida
Ground water Investigations in Florida
Preliminary Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of Northeast Florida
Survey of The Water Resources of Everglades National Park, Florida
Interim Report on Surface Water Resources of Baker County, Florida
Water resources for central and southern Florida
Adequate water supply
Predictive water demand model for central and southern Florida