Current Search: Florida Bay Fla. (x)
Cold-Water Stress In Florida Bay And Northern Bahamas: A Product of Winter Cold-Air Outbreaks
Florida Bay Field Data Report - June 1999
Mowry Canal (C-103): Water Quality and Discharge into Biscayne Bay, Florida, 1975 - 1981
Aerial photographic interpretation of the historical changes in northern Biscayne Bay, Florida, 1925
Survey of Sarasota Bay, Florida. Letter from the secretary of war, transmitting reports upon the pr
Survey of Tampa Bay, Florida. Letter from the secretary of war, transmitting, with a letter from th
ecology of the Apalachicola Bay system
Examination and survey of inside passage through Sarasota Bay to Lemon Bay, Florida. Letter from the
Catastrophic Mortality of the Seagrass Thalassia Testudinum in Florida Bay
Artificial and natural fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the Tampa Bay Estuary
Planning for geological projects related to the coarse sand hypothesis
Exotic/Invasive Species Control Manual for Mangrove Forest Areas
Water Management in Taylor Slough and Effects on Florida Bay
An Ecological characterization of the Florida Springs Coast: Pithlachascotee to Waccasassa Rivers
Demonstration of Littoral Zone Habitat Restoration Alternatives (Designs) Adjacent to an Industrial
Monitoring Bay Scallop Recovery and Stocking Efforts in Tampa Bay
Oligohaline Areas in Tampa Bay Tributaries
Development of a Process to Track the Status of Chlorophyll and Light Attenuation to Support Seagras
tampa bay's islamic communities
Work Plan for a Water Quality Model of Florida Bay
neogene to recent seismic stratigraphy of the lower tampa bay estuary, west-central florida
Science Advisory Group Workshop on Sediment Assessment in Tampa Bay
Statistical Analysis of the Tampa Bay National Estuary Program 1993 Benthic Survey
South Florida Environmental Quality