Current Search: Geology -- Florida (x)
Some geomorphic features of central peninsular Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 41 )
Summary of the geology of Florida and a guidebook to the classic exposures ( FGS: Special publicatio
A geological overview of Florida ( FGS: Open file report 50 )
Florida's geological history and geological resources ( FGS: Special publication 35 )
Geology of the upper Cretaceous clastic section northern peninsular Florida ( FGS: Information circu
contribution to the geologic[al] history of the Floridian plateau
List of publications ( FGS: Information circular 87 )
The regional lithostratigraphic analysis of Paleocene and Eocene rocks of Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 45
A gamma-ray profile investigation of the Upper Pleistocene Miami limestone of south Florida ( FGS: O
Geological research contributing to responsible growth in Florida ( FGS: Leaflet 15 )
Eleven archaeological sites in Hillsborough County, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 8 )
The Flint-Chattahoochee-Apalachicola region and its environments
geologic guide to the Suwannee River, Ichetucknee Springs, O'Leno, and Manatee Springs State Parks (
The shallow structure of Tampa Bay
The lithostratigraphy of the Hawthorn Group of peninsular Florida ( FGS: Open file report 36 )
Shallow stratigraphy of Okaloosa County and vicinity, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigation 92 )
Neogene biostratigraphy of the Charlotte Harbor area in southwestern Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 43)
The Hawthorn Formation of northeastern Florida ( FGS: Open file report 1 ). Part I. The geology of t
Marine Geology and Oceanography of Florida Bay, Apalachicola Bay And Vicinity, Florida
List of publications
Alum Bluff Liberty County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 9 )
Summary of the geology of Glades County, Florida ( FGS: Open file report 30 )
Geologic interpretation of the aquifer pollution potential in Alachua County, Florida ( FGS: Open fi
Geology of Bay County, Florida ( FGS: Bulletin 57)