Current Search:  Mexico, Gulf of (x)

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aspects of the ecology of heteropods in the families carinariidae and pterotracheidae at a station i
oceanic cephalopod assemblage in the eastern gulf of mexico
concentration of particulate matter in the eastern gulf of mexico: an indicator of surface circulati
biochemical composition of crustacean zooplankton from the eastern gulf of mexico
currents observed across the west florida continental shelf
Bed forms on the west Florida shelf as detected with side scan sonar
ecology of the lanternfishes (pisces: myctophidae) of the eastern gulf of mexico: with emphasis on a
eastern gulf of mexico, continental shelf phosphorite deposits
Light attenuance measurements of suspended particulate matter, northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Guide to Planting Seagrasses in the Gulf of Mexico
upwelling circulation on the west florida continental shelf
Kaarte van de Golf van Mexico en het Zuyd America: waar in Porto-Bello en Panama aangewezen werden
Radium-226 in plankton on the West Florida shelf
the influence of moonlight, temperature, hydrostatic pressure and zooplankton abundance upon the ver
Aspects of the ecology and life history of, and host modifications in, the parasite/host relationshi
Key to the Marine Dinoflagellate Genera of the West Coast of Florida
Species profiles
Indicator development: seagrass monitoring and research in the Gulf of Mexico:
a vorticity transport numerical model of the circulation in the gulf of mexico and caribbean sea
recent carbonate sediments of the florida middle ground reef system: northeastern gulf of mexico
The quality of shellfish growing waters in the Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Mexico: Its Origin, Waters, and Marine Life
Sea Trout or Weakfishes (genus Cynoscion) of the Gulf of Mexico
Oceanographic Observations in West Coast Florida Waters, 1949-52
