Current Search: The Post-War Florida, 1945-1960
Search results
- Survey of the problems of elinquents and maladjusted children between the ages of 6 and 18 with sugg
- Economic study of rural areas of Florida: area XI counties : Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, W
- Survey of teacher's estimates of high intelligence in grades four, five, and six of Bond, Griffin, L
- Normative-survey of the program of academic counseling at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Univer
- Study of farming and related occupational opportunities in Goulds school area of Dade County, Florid
- Study of reading difficulties in the fourth grade of Glenwood Elementary School Panama City, Florida
- Survey of the standardized testing programs in Negro schools of Florida and their implications for g
- Proposed program for improving school-community relations in the Negro schools in Putnam county, Flo
- Investigation of the nature of improvements in the Negro schools of Nassau county from 1946 to 1950,
- Evaluation of the physical plants of five consolidated rural schools for Negroes in Leon county with