Current Search:  The Post-War Florida, 1945-1960 (x)

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(1 - 24 of 76)


Survey of the problems of elinquents and maladjusted children between the ages of 6 and 18 with sugg
Education and the future of Florida
Economic study of rural areas of Florida: area XI counties : Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, W
Florida women of distinction
Survey of teacher's estimates of high intelligence in grades four, five, and six of Bond, Griffin, L
Negro schools of Duval County 1955-1956
Analytical study of the language arts program of grades four through six at Bond Junior High School
Normative-survey of the program of academic counseling at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Univer
Study of farming and related occupational opportunities in Goulds school area of Dade County, Florid
Follow-up study of diversified cooperative training graduates
Growth and development of Griffin High School from 1908-1955
Study of reading difficulties in the fourth grade of Glenwood Elementary School Panama City, Florida
Survey of the standardized testing programs in Negro schools of Florida and their implications for g
Study of parent-teacher relationship in Flager county
Proposed program for improving school-community relations in the Negro schools in Putnam county, Flo
Investigation of the nature of improvements in the Negro schools of Nassau county from 1946 to 1950,
Evaluation of the physical plants of five consolidated rural schools for Negroes in Leon county with
appraisal of certain aspects of the reading program of the rural elementary schools of Madison count
Status of unemployed Negro teachers in central Florida
The anatomy of defeat: the 1968 United States senatorial campaign of Leroy Collins
Local and joint (rail-motor) passenger tariff no. 23 ...
Escambia Bay bioassay, April - May, 1958
McCarthyism in Florida: Charley Johns and the Florida legislative investigation committee July 1956
A Southern moderate advocates compliance: a study of Leroy Collins as director of the Community Rela
