Current Search: Urban development (x)
Statistical data for developmental planning: Calhoun County. Vol. 6
Statistical data for developmental planning: Franklin County. Vol. 7
Florida's fiscal future : Balancing needs & taxes
Report to the Governor, Senate President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Bird Casualties at a Leon County Florida TV Tower, 1955-1961, Tall Timbers Research Station Bulletin
Florida capitol center: A report on the proposed development
Florida, "The East Coast"
Addressing the health problems in urban areas of the developing world: with a special look at health
Cognitive mapping as a tool to effect community involvement
Coping with growth: the emergence of environmental policy in Florida
Downtown profile : Jacksonville 1985
Growth and Development for Public High Schools for Negroes in Duvall County, Florida from1920 throug
fifth census of the state of Florida taken in the year 1925
seventh census of the state of Florida, 1945
Historical Sketches and Sidelights of Miami, Florida
a professional opinion: a history of the hillsborough county medical association, 1895-1970
Daytona Highlands
Inner-city decline and revitalization: an evaluation of Neigborhood Housing Services, Hyde Park, Flo
Greater Jacksonville's response to the Florida land boom of the 1920s
Grant of lands to the state of Florida
Seasons of pestilence: Tampa and Yellow fever, 1824-1905
Tampa, a southern cowtown, 1858-1878
The Works Progress Administration in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, Florida, 1935 to 1943
Tampa for health, wealth and happiness