Current Search: Water resources development -- Florida (x)
Your water resources: storage, origin, needs, uses, movement, conservation ( FGS: Leaflet 1 )
Ground-water resources of the Hollywood area, Florida ( FGS: Report of investigations 77 )
Water resource management in Florida
Big Cypress Basin Five Year Plan, 1994-1998
Mowry Canal (C-103): Water Quality and Discharge into Biscayne Bay, Florida, 1975-1981
Ground water availability assessment for the surficial aquifer on Pine Island, Lee County, Florida
Water resources for central and southern Florida
South Florida, Seeking a Balance of Man and Nature
A brief history of water management in the Everglades Agricultural Area
Physical Processes, Salinity Characteristics, and Potential Salinity Changes due to Freshwater Withd
General design memorandum, conveyance canals to Everglades National Park and South Dade County
Annual summary report
atlas of surface water management basins in the Everglades
Six Mile Cypress Slough preserve management plan
Reconnaissance report, Six Mile Cypress Slough water resources study, Lee County, Florida
Shark Slough Water Level Correlation Analysis
Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey Reports on the Water Resources of Florida, 1886-1995